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Creations By Sasha Blog


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Creations By Sasha Blog

Creations By Sasha Blog: January 2011

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Creations By Sasha Blog

Creations By Sasha Blog: January 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Creation Mondays

Welcome to another edition of Creation Mondays! Here are some of my favs from last week:

Mosaic Monogram Tutorial @ Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
Winter Wreath @ Paisley Passions
Valentine Collage Card @ Create With Joy

Please feel free to pick up the "I Created @ ~The Life of Me~" button on the sidebar to showcase on your blog. Now on to this week's party. Here's how it works:

1. Become a follower of ~The Life of Me~

2. Link-up your post not your main URL to this party, then PLEASE include a link back to this page.

3. Link up. Have fun. Visit some other links and let them know you found them @ ~The Life of Me~

4. Grab the party-link button below so others can join the PARTY!!

Remember this party is for anything DIY: Photography, Recipes, Sewing Projects, Crafts, Scrapbooking, Cards, Paper Crafts, etc. If YOU have made it, link it up!

And don't forget...If you're interested in have your blog featured on Spotlight Fridays find out how here.

Have fun!!!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

365 Days - My Life Through Photographs: Days 24 - 28

Day 24: Happy Hour!

Day 25: Two-hour early dismissal at work = NAP TIME!

Day 26: My winter wonderland

Day 27: Ladies night = Playing Wii games!

Day 28: The Christmas tree is finally put away!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Spotlight Fridays

Welcome to another Spotlight Friday! Today I'd like to introduce everyone to Leasa at Funkymom Cards.


Meet Leasa

Leasa is mom to 3 boys and wife to a minister! I can't even imagine how she finds time to create with 3 boys to keep up with! Her blog is all about her family and her creativity. She has some great pictures, especially on Embrace Thursday, which typically feature her and her boys. And I love her Grateful Heart posts where she blogs about things that she is grateful for. What a great idea. Here are some beautiful things she's created:

Leasa also decided to do a Special Giveaway just for ~The Life of Me~ readers. Leasa is giving away one monogrammed cup to a lucky reader! All you have to do is become a follower of  Funkymom Cards and leave Leasa a comment telling her you found her on Spolight Fridays @ ~The Life of Me~! That's it. Such an easy way to win an awesome prize!

So make sure you head on over to Funkymom Cards can tell Leasa hi!

And if you're interested in being in the Spotlight, email me at


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inspirational Thursdays

Like I said last week, I'm still trying to decide if I'm going for thought-provoking questions or things to help get you inspired to create. This week, I'm going with a little bit of both.

I found this lovely accessory holder at Lemon Tree Creations. Not only is it super easy to make, it's also functional (and who doesn't like double duty). I also love the message. Who wouldn't want to grab a belt off this. I think it's time for me to pull out the vinyl and see what I can do.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

365 Days - My Life Through Photographs: Days 21, 22, & 23

Day 21: How we spend out Saturday nights...Band Hero!!!!

Day 22: My creation station (the dining room table). Getting prepared for a giveaway on someone's blog.

Day 23: Shrimp Fried Rice...homemade version!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Creation Mondays

Welcome to another edition of Creation Mondays! Let's get straight to it. Here are some of my favs from last week:

Shoe-Redo @ Eye Spy DIY

February Decor @ Life, Love, Green

Monogrammed Cups @ Funkymom Cards

Please feel free to pick up the "I Created @ ~The Life of Me~" button on the sidebar to showcase on your blog. Now on to this week's party. Here's how it works:

1. Become a follower of ~The Life of Me~

2. Link-up your post not your main URL to this party, then PLEASE include a link back to this page.

3. Link up. Have fun. Visit some other links and let them know you found them @ ~The Life of Me~

4. Grab the party-link button below so others can join the PARTY!!

Remember this party is for anything DIY: Photography, Recipes, Sewing Projects, Crafts, Scrapbooking, Cards, Paper Crafts, etc. If YOU have made it, link it up!

And don't forget...If you're interested in have your blog featured on Spotlight Fridays find out how here.

Have fun!!!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

MemoryWorks Jan/Feb Trend Essentials

Have you checked out the MemoryWorks website lately? Well you should definetley hop on over there and check out the January and February Trend Essentials. Trend Essentials are special products that are not regualry offered in the main MemoryWorks catalog. Here's some of what you'll might find:

BoBunny: 6x6 Paper Pad - Crush

BoBunny: Card Kit - Crush

Fancy Pants: Valentine Cards - Love Bird

BasicGrey: 6x6 Paper Pad - Hopscotch

If you're interested in any of these products or anything else from MemoryWorks, email me at!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

365 Days - My Life Through Photographs: Days 18, 19, & 20

Day 18: Why was there so much main in my tiny little mail box today? 

Day 19: Why do I see traffic lights at 6:30 in the morning????

My Friday afternoon at work. Check out the sudoku puzzle in the corner.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Spotlight Fridays!

Welcome to my FIRST EVER Spotlight Fridays!

Aren't you excited! I am. So without further ado - the first blog to be spotlighted is...The Elephant's Trunk.


Lauren blogs at The Elephant's Trunk and I'm absolutely in love with her blog. Lauren is way more creative that I am. Check out some of the gorgeous things she has made:

Candle Brooches

Wine Label Plate

Lauren also has an Esty store (which I am jealous of because I keep meaning to get one too). It's called V8 Ambition after one of her favorite Elvis quotes.

She sells all sorts of fabulous items at her Esty store from jewelery (like the bracelet above) to beautiful wine corks. And the best part...she has GREAT prices. 

So please, stop by Lauren at The Elephant's Truck and say hi. You won't be disappointed!

And if you're interested in being in the spotlight, email me at!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Inspirational Thursdays

I know I forgot to do this for the past couple of weeks, but in any event...welcome to another Inspirational Thursday. I'm still trying to figure out how exactly I want to inspire everyone each week - if I want it to be something crafty or something that makes your think. This week, I've decided to go with something to make you think. So...

How do you want to be remembered?

I choose this question because of my dad's recent passing. When someone close to you passes away, it really does make you think of everything you remember about them and how you want people to remember you. I just want to be remembered as a person that loved my family and friends and was happy with life. Sometimes the little things in life that go wrong tend to drag us down and we forget about what it means to be happy that we have life and all the wonderful experiences in our lives. So I hope that I am remembered as a person who loved life. So, how do you want to be remembered?
