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My Wedding...So Far


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My Wedding...So Far

Creations By Sasha Blog: My Wedding...So Far

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My Wedding...So Far

Creations By Sasha Blog: My Wedding...So Far

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Wedding...So Far

About a month ago, the BF and I got engaged. It's something that I've been wanting for a LONG time. We've been together going on 8 years and I felt it was about that time to take a walk down the aisle. So I'm super excited that it's actually going to happen. But I must confess...I'm so overwhelmed with everything that actually goes into getting married. I purchased one of those planners and there are just so many things you have to think about. Luckily, I have my mom and my sis-in-law (who I text constantly with wedding questions). We've set a date for September 21, 2012. This is my dad's birthday. I feel it's a great way to remember him and honor him since he won't be there in person (but I'm positive he'll be there in spirit). I've been told that I'm way ahead of schedule, but here's what I've accomplished so far...

- Set the date (the most import part). 
- Reserve the ceremony location - a church in Washington, D.C.
- Reserve the reception location
- Buy a dress
- Get a wedding planner

That's what I have so far. For all of you folks who have already gotten married, I'm open to any and all advice! If you have idea, tips, or tricks, please feel free to share.



At June 15, 2011 at 12:16 PM , Blogger Cherie said...

I was engaged for a year and a half before we got married. I am sure I did all those things that you did right away. Its crazy how fast things book up! Good luck! I have been married for 3 years now and love every minute of it. I am excited to hear about your plans!

At June 15, 2011 at 3:28 PM , Blogger Lacey said...

Wow i didn't know you were engaged! Congrats girl! You have PLENTY of time to plan. Trust me. My good friend got engaged in April (2011) and is getting married in OCTOBER (2011). I couldn't imagine planning a wedding in a few short months and have it turn out the way I'd want it. So I think you are doing fantastic - take one thing at a time!


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